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Classified Personnel

MHUSD Contract with Morgan Hill Classified Employee Association (MHCEA)

The Morgan Hill Unified School District provides a full range of services to the over 300 classified employees (represented by the Morgan Hill Classified Employees Association). We are proud of our long history of collaboration with our employees and labor leaders. 

Classified employees are recognized as integral to the success of students and public education. From transporting and feeding students to assisting in teaching them vital skills and ensuring that schools are operating smoothly. 

Challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have proved that classified employees are proven to be among the essential workers serving our students and schools like never before.

Custodial staff have kept our campuses clean and safe from a deadly virus. Food service workers have prepared meals for students and other community members in need of food. Bus drivers have delivered books, meals to students and students to schools who offer in-person learning or connectivity hubs. Office staff have worked diligently to connect teachers with students studying remotely, while technical staff have equipped them with the technology they need to learn. Paraprofessionals are supporting students as they overcome the challenges of distance learning. Meanwhile, Student Supervisors, Yard Duty’s and other classified workers are supervising our school grounds to keep them safe and secure.

No matter what their role is, the classified employees, with their diverse talents and true dedication, nurture students throughout their school years. - Employment postings

Classified Application for Employment
