Amplify Before and After School Care
Morgan Hill Unified has launched our very own before and after-school program called “Amplify” in partnership with YMCA at eight of our school sites. Britton and Martin Murphy Middle Schools are also part of Amplify, in partnership with Youth Alliance. The hours of operation in the morning are from 6:30 AM to the start of school, and in the afternoon from the end of school until 6:00 PM.
Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may attend for FREE! If your student does not qualify for free and reduced lunch, the cost will be a flat rate of $250 per month, per student. Please go to LINQ Connect to find out if your student is eligible for free and reduced lunch.
Priority Enrollment:
We are dedicated to accommodating as many students as possible in our before and after school program. The MHUSD Amplify Program is funded through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP), which allocates funds for specific student populations, including foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, English learners, and students qualifying for free or reduced lunch services. As in the past, these students will receive priority enrollment. Additional students will be enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis as space permits.
We are looking forward to a great school year!
Please see the flyers below to register.