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Who we are and what we do:

WorkAbility l is an annual grant from the CA Department of Education.  Morgan Hill USD has held the grant in excellent standing since the early 1990's.  Transition Partnership Program (TPP) is a three year renewable contract with the CA Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), California's vocational services program.  Both programs are funded for a pre-determined number of students each year, which means space is limited.  Most students begin when they are approaching their 16th birthday, but it's never too early to learn about careers and jobs, how to speak up for yourself, how to be a productive citizen and a responsible adult.  If appropriate, WorkAbility l can begin meeting with students at age 14, then move into TPP at age 16.  The DOR has additional paperwork to be completed at that time.   

At the beginning of the school year, each student will receive an Interest Application in the packet of information the student's current Case Manager sends home, along with a brief brochure highlighting WorkAbility l & the Transition Partnership Program.  If you didn't receive the information, you can print the form from the link to the right, compete it, then return it to your student's case manager or our mail box in the school's front office.   Please see the Program Description, Procedures, & Policies page for more information.

Students participating in subsidized Work Experience (wages paid by the program through the school district) are required to complete the Morgan Hill USD hiring packet, including providing a Social Security card and photo ID (a school ID will be fine until exit/graduation or age 18).  Please see the Program Description, Procedures, & Policies page for more information.