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Special Education

Special Education Department

PHONE: (408) 201-6040
FAX:  (408) 825 6257

Special Education Department Vision

Through inclusive and equitable practices, we will foster resilient, socially competent students who learn at high levels, with the goal that all of our students will have various choices upon graduation and become productive members of society.


Our Mission

Our purpose is to have all students learn at high levels in an inclusive environment.


Introduction to Special Education

Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) provides support to all students with disabilities. We partner with other local school districts as well as the Santa Clara County Office of Education (COE) to insure that programs are located within our Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA).
Morgan Hill Unified School District is a member of the South East Consortium SELPA, one of 6 SELPAS in Santa Clara County.  The SE Consortium SELPA coordinates with 11 school districts and the County Office of Education to provide a continuum of programs and services for individuals with disabilities, from birth through 22 years of age.  Additionally, the SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) parent group provides support, information, training opportunities, and valuable resources for parents, guardians and the local community. The SE SELPA Office is located in Mt. Pleasant School District.  For more information about the SELPA and the CAC please visit the SE SELPA website at

Department Information

Educational Services

Resources for Special Education Parents

Please use this link to a document that includes the following resources for parents

  • Supporting Students with Special Needs
  • Supporting Wellness and Health
  • Wifi and Internet Free Services
  • Readings Relevant to Distance Learning
  • Resources to Create Supplementary Activities
  • Supporting Supplementary Learning and Community Building


Workability I/TPP

WorkAbility l and Transition Partnership Program (TPP) provides pre-employment skills training, career and Post Secondary exploration and counseling, and paid Work Experience opportunities for students with a current IEP or 504 Plan.  If you are interested in more information, contact Heather De Rosa at 408-201-2300 ext. 42217 or