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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Dear MHUSD Community, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  

I hope this message finds each of you recharged, maybe even a bit sun-kissed after enjoying time outside on the beach, park, or mountains, perhaps a road trip, or traveling near and far in pursuit of those things that bring joy and balance to our lives.  

As we come together once again in preparation to launch the new academic year, you’ll notice that our focus remains on the cornerstone of our mission as a school community: the success of each and every one of our 8000 students. And, key in their success as individuals and our success as a school district, is student engagement.  

Engaged students are curious, motivated, and ready to learn and do hard things. They are active participants in their educational journey. But, as we know, engagement isn’t just about what happens within the walls of a classroom; it’s really the heartbeat of our schools and district. It takes countless forms—it might be a kindergartener’s eyes lighting up during story time, a middle schooler passionately debating in a social studies class, or a high schooler collaborating on a science project. It’s the quiet student finding their voice in art class or theatre, the athlete pushing their limits on the field, and the tech-savvy student coding their first program or building their first project in woodworking or welding. Every interaction, every moment of curiosity and connection, shapes their lives in ways we may not immediately see but are always deeply felt. And thus, as Team MHUSD—Classified and Certificated alike, whether your role finds you in any classroom, in any office, on any school bus, on the playground, in the library, and any place in between—every role we hold is important to their success! 

As we continue to enhance the engagement of our students through our Professional Learning Team work, let's remember the vital role that attendance plays in their success. Every day that a student is present is another day they learn, grow, and connect. It's another day where they feel seen, valued, and supported. Our commitment to fostering consistent attendance is more than just a statistic—it’s a promise to our students that they belong here and that their presence matters. 

We know that this journey is not one we walk alone. The collective efficacy of our entire school community—teachers, support staff, administrators, and families—creates an environment where every student can thrive. When we all believe in the potential of each and every student, and when we work together to provide both academic challenges and social-emotional support, we create a foundation for success that is unshakable. 

Let’s continue to move forward this year with a shared vision and a unified purpose: to ensure that every student across our MHUSD district feels engaged, supported, valued, and inspired to excel.  To launch our work, our team will come together on Monday, August 12th at Sobrato High School at 8am, where we will continue our work on accessing guaranteed and viable curriculum facilitated by our school site and district office administration teams in the morning sessions and a variety of sessions in the afternoon covering Career Technical Education, Universal Design for Learning, CA Math Framework, Constructing Meaning, Student Behavior, IEP Writing, and many others. We will also have outside professional development provided on Heggerty Phonics Curriculum and Pear Assessment (Edulastic), among others. 

Further, on behalf of our Union Partners: Morgan Hill Classified Employees Association (MHCEA) President Cheryl Van Deventer: "We are the support system for our students, teachers, staff, and community. I want to remind all Classified staff that YOU matter and YOU make a difference every day! As we begin the 2024-25 school year, stay strong, excel at what you do, have faith. Always know that you are appreciated more than words can say. Have a great year!"

Morgan Hill Federation of Teachers (MHFT) President Jim Levis:“MHFT Officers and Office Staff would like to welcome everyone back to the 2024-2025 school year. Please check out the MHFT Member Newsletter going out on August 12th for important information. Please reach out to MHFT Office Staff with any questions at Have a great year!

”Morgan Hill Educational Leaders Association (MHELA) President Patrick Buchser:“On behalf of MHELA, welcome back to our new and returning members—let us have an excellent school year! Our sites are ready and buzzing with excitement to welcome staff and students back for the 24-25 school year.”

Together, along with the Board of Trustees, we extend our heartfelt thanks for being part of our team as we begin a new year. As we welcome over 8000 students through our doors in just a few days, we are committed to continuing the transformative work of ensuring their academic, socio-emotional, and college/career success.  Welcome back, and let’s make this year an extraordinary one! I look forward to seeing you on the first day of school on August 15th! 

My best,

Dr. Carmen García